As a project developer at Hemsö, Anders contributes to Hemsö’s project business by seeking out deals from ideas or land acquisitions and turning them into leases. Part of the surplus generated by the rental business is then spent on inventing new projects in order to establish new leases and buildings that in turn receive rents.
– You get to use many different aspects in the role. It’s technology, economics, social issues and relations, but above all problem solving. There is absolutely no clear-cut path, things can change and you have to be prepared for that.
The fact that there is no clear-cut path is something that Anders finds a driving force, as there is never an exact picture of what will happen along the way.
– I am driven by a curiosity about what the outcome will be. The overall goal is actually quite clear, that we will deliver returns to our owners, but the way there is not given and that is what makes it exciting.
– Right now, I feel proud that Hemsö is part of the development of research and health care in Huddinge, which is at the forefront of new treatment areas. Hemsö has an important role to play and contributes to this by offering good premises and a meeting place for this type of operations. I think Hemsö should feel proud of this. Applying and seeing yourself as a contributor is really strengthening the backbone of society.