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Board of Directors

  • En kvinna med mörkt hår, vita pärlörhängen i öronen, rutig blus och svart kavaj.

    Kerstin Hessius

    Born: 1958

    Chairman of the Board since 2023.

    Education and work experience:
    Mba. CEO of the Third Swedish National Pension Fund, CEO of the Stockholm Stock Exchange, Deputy Governor of Sveriges Riksbank.

    Other ongoing assignments:
    Board member Svenska Handelsbanken AB, Monterro Fund Management AB and Lumera AB.

    Independent in relation to the Company and its management and the Company’s major shareholders.

  • En man i vit skjorta och grå kavaj.

    Staffan Hansén

    Born: 1965

    Board member since 2023. Member of the Sustanability Committee.

    Education and work experience:
    Licentiate of Political Sciences. CEO of SPP Pension & Försäkring, CEO of Storebrand Asset Management and responsible for the management of Storebrand Group’s life portfolios and responsible for fixed income trading in Handelsbanken and Alfred Berg.

    Other ongoing assignments:
    CEO of the Third Swedish National Pension Fund. Board member the fundraising foundation WaterAid Sverige AB, Vasakronan AB and Vasakronan Holding AB.

    Independent in relation to the Company and its management, but not to the Company’s major shareholders.

  • A man with glasses, a purple tie, white shirt and a blue jacket looks straight into the camera.

    David Mindus

    Born: 1972

    Board member since 2009. Member of the Audit Committee.

    Education and work experience:
    Mba. Analyst and management positions in property companies since 2000.

    Other ongoing assignments:
    CEO and board member of AB Sagax. Board member of Söderport Holding AB, all companies in the Mindustri Group, Torslanda Property Investment AB and Nyfosa AB (publ). Chairman of the Board Hemsö Intressenter AB.

    (David Mindus and his company own 19.6 percent of the share capital and 26.0 percent of the votes in AB Sagax. AB Sagax owns 50 per cent of the shares in Hemsö Intressenter AB, which in turn owns 30 per cent of the shares in Hemsö).

    Independent in relation to the Company and its management, but not to the Company’s major shareholders.


  • En blond kvinna med rakt hår till axlarna ler. Hon bär en orange topp och en blå blazer.

    Johanna Skogestig

    Born: 1974

    Board member since 2022. Chairman of the Sustanability Committee.

    Education and work experience:
    Msc. Active in several real estate companies in roles within the framework of real estate transactions, including head of real estate investments at AP-fastigheter, Sveafastigheter, Areim and Vasakronan AB.

    Other ongoing assignments:
    CEO of Vasakronan AB.

    Independent in relation to the Company and its management and the Company’s major shareholders

  • A man with a blue shirt, tie and a blue jacket looks straight into the camera.

    Johan Thorell

    Born: 1970

    Board member since 2013. Chairman of the Audit Committee and member of the Sustanability Committee.

    Education and work experience:
    Mba. Active in real estate companies since 1997 and employment at HQ Fondkommission and E Öhman J:or Fondkommission.

    Other ongoing assignments:
    CEO and board member Gryningskust Holding AB. Chairman of the Board of Kallebäck Property Invest AB and K2A Knaust & Andersson Fastigheter AB. Board member AB Sagax, Nicoccino Holding AB, Storskogen Group AB and Atrium Ljungberg AB..

    Independent in relation to the Company and its management and to the Company’s major shareholders.

Audit Committee

The task of the Audit Committee is to, on behalf of the board, continuously monitor and evaluate the audit work. The Audit Committee shall also prepare nominations for auditor and audit fees, matters relating to the company’s accounting and internal control, risk management, external audit and financial information.

The Audit Committee consists of Johan Thorell (chairman), David Mindus and Staffan Hansén.

Sustainability Committee

The task of the Sustainability Committee is to, on behalf of the board, continuously monitor and evaluate the sustainability work. The Sustainability Committee also prepares sustainability-related issues.

The Sustainability Committee consists of Johanna Skogestig (chairman), Johan Thorell and Staffan Hansén.


At the 2022 Annual General Meeting, the auditing firm KPMG was elected as Hemsö's auditor for the period until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. The auditor in charge is authorized public accountant Peter Dahllöf.

  • Peter Dahllöf

    Partner & Authorized Public Accountant
    KPMG in Sweden

    Peter Dahllöf is an authorised public accountant and partner at KPMG. He holds a degree in business administration from the Stockholm School of Economics. Peter has been the main responsible auditor for Hemsö since 2022. His other audit assignments include Annehem, Eastnine, Ikano Bostad, K2A, Midstar Hotels and NP3.

  • An office building with five floors. Many windows.


    Audit and advisory firm

    KPMG offers qualified services in audit, tax and business consulting.

    The KPMG website