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A conference room with black chairs and a large white table. Plenty of light through floor-to-ceiling windows.

Corporate Governance

Corporate governance refers to the regulatory framework and structure established to effectively and controllably control and manage the operations of a limited liability company. Corporate governance in Hemsö is based, among other things, on the Swedish Companies Act, the Articles of Association and regulations for interest-bearing instruments on the marketplaces where Hemsö is listed.

  • General Annual meeting

    The  General Annual Meeting is the company’s highest decision-making body.

    General annual Meeting
  • Board members

    The Board consists of five members. Kerstin Hessius holds the role of Chairman of the Board.

    Board of Directors and Accountants
  • Management

    Hemsö’s management team consists of eleven members, including the CEO.


The Board of Directors

The tasks of the Board of Directors include, among other things, establishing the company’s overall goals and strategies, business plan and budget, submitting interim reports, financial statements and adopting policies. The Board shall also monitor financial developments and ensure the quality of financial reporting and internal control.

The Board also decides on major investments as well as organizational and operational changes in the company. The Board of Directors has appointed an Audit Committee to handle the company’s audit issues and a Sustainability Committee that handles sustainability issues.


The CEO is responsible for the company’s day-to-day management and day-to-day operations. The division of duties between the Board and the CEO is specified in the rules of procedure for the Board and in the CEO’s instructions.

Corporate Governance Report

The Annual Report includes a Corporate Governance Report (pages 76-81) describing the corporate governance of Hemsö Fastighets AB.

Annual Report and Sustainability Report