A safe home
Together with municipalities and private operators, we provide sustainable nursing homes so that those who work and live in our properties feel well and safe. This experience is also important for their relatives.
Nursing homes are Hemsö’s largest property category and accounted for 38 per cent of the property value at year-end. Hemsö owns 240 nursing homes, including 117 in Sweden, 78 in Germany and 45 in Finland. The premises include nursing and care homes, dementia homes and homes for people in need of extra support and services.

Increased demand
For nursing homes and education, developments in the younger and older age groups are important as the demand for public services is expected to increase in line with population growth.
In Sweden, population growth in the 80+ age group is expected to be very large, which means a strong demand for nursing homes.
Finland shows the same trend with a growing share of older people in the population. As a consequence, the demand for retirement homes has also increased here.
In Germany, the number of people aged 65+ as a proportion of the working age population is among the highest in the world. By 2050, Germany is expected to have as many pensioners as working-age people.
About us
Do you want to know more about Hemsö?
Hemsö’s business concept is to sustainably own, manage and develop public properties. Our vision is to strengthen the backbone of society and we develop and manage properties with a focus on the people being there.
Contact us
Do you want to get in touch?
Here is contact information and addresses for our offices and contact persons in Hemsö. Welcome to contact us!