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The Hemsö Apple

Our belief is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Therefore, we work closely with school staff and students to best meet the needs, opportunities, and challenges of each individual school.

Boy with brown hair and blue eyes taking a bite from a red and yellow apple.

Sustainable and quality schools

The Hemsö-apple is a tool that gives us and our tenants a holistic perspective to create sustainable and quality schools. The tool combines our own real estate expertise with our tenants’ operational knowledge and research on learning environments.

The apple’s splits describe important dimensions for a good school. For example, safety for students and how the premises support learning and increased collaboration.

How we work with the tool

Together with students, staff, and principals, we continuously evaluate our schools. We take the ideas and thoughts we capture into the maintenance work at each school.

The Hemsö apple serves as support and inspiration, from early dialogues in new production to further development of existing schools. The tool is continuously developed through the systematic transfer of knowledge and experience. In this way, we continue to build on our knowledge bank.

  • About us

    Do you want to know more about Hemsö?

    Hemsö’s business concept is to sustainably own, manage and develop public properties. Our vision is to strengthen the backbone of society and we develop and manage properties with a focus on the people being there.

    About us
  • Contact us

    Do you want to get in touch?

    Here is contact information and addresses for our offices and contact persons in Hemsö. Welcome to contact us!

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