Annual gift to Hemsö’s tenants
Every year, we give our tenants the opportunity to apply for a gift for their organisation. These gifts can also be distributed in connection with inaugurations in Hemsö’s properties.
The Hemsö Gift 2024
- Viskafors hemtjänst, Viskafors – a bicycle to enable staff to get around to residents in an environmentally conscious way.
- Rotviksbro vård- och omsorgsboende, Uddevalla – a greenhouse with cultivation boxes.
- Dagverksamheten Värmlandsgatan 16, Norrköping – a roof over the pergola in the courtyard.
- Reimersdal Särskilt boende, Lund – a pergola with climbing plants.
- Selggrensgården, Gävle – a henhouse for the organisation’s chickens.
- Bifrost korttidsenhet, Mölndal – seating to the outdoor environment.
- Lönnens vård- och omsorgsboende, Järfälla – a greenhouse.
- Attendo Kungshamn, Nacka – an outdoor café with storage.
- Ängsklockans äldreboende, Västerås – in a boule court.
- Åvallen äldreboende, Klintehamn – a greenhouse with plants and flowers.
Criteria for applying
The Hemsö Gift shall:
- go to activities in Hemsö’s properties
- be outside Hemsö’s regular operations (e.g. do not replace renovations)
- not replace what the tenant normally pays for with their own funds
- go to something that can be used by both staff and students/residents over a longer period of time (e.g. greenhouses and sandboxes, not parties and dinners).
The Hemsö Gift 2023
The 2023 Hemsö Gift was awarded to school and education organisations in Sweden.
Recipients of this year's Hemsö gift:
- Tjuvkils förskola, Tjuvkil – educational outdoor toys
- Förskolan Nyponkärnan, Linköping – outdoor play tent
- Förskolan Cypressen, Malmö – a set for outdoor water play
- Tattby förskola, Saltsjöbaden – outdoor furniture and sun protection for the yard
- Paradisskolan, Borlänge – purchase of materials for creative activities
- Blommor förskola, Malmö – outdoor educational boxes
- Förskolan Kreatören, Uddevalla – materials for greenhouses and storage cabinets for the yard
- Fröken Floras förskola, Linghem – low picnic tables
- Apelsinens förskola, Trollhättan – material for the greenhouse
- Öppna förskolan Gränna – cover for sandbox and wall-mounted easel
The Hemsö Gift is a Hemsö tradition I am proud of. It is our way of enriching the lives of our tenants and others who spend time at our properties. It feels important to be involved and contribute to an extra silver lining in everyday life.

CEO, Hemsö
What do our tenants say?
The Hemsö Gift 2024
A joyful gift
Staff and participants at Värmlandsgatan 16 day centre in Norrköping were delighted when Hemsö’s asset manager Sandra Fernandez came to visit with flowers and the happy news that they had been awarded the Hemsö Gift 2024.
Read more -
The Hemsö Gift 2023
A silver lining to everyday life
We have spoken to some of our tenants who received the Hemsö Gift in 2023. It is heartwarming to hear that the Hemsö Gifts distributed are appreciated and have contributed to a better everyday life.
Read more
About us
Do you want to know more about Hemsö?
Hemsö’s business concept is to sustainably own, manage and develop public properties. Our vision is to strengthen the backbone of society and we develop and manage properties with a focus on the people being there.
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Here is contact information and addresses for our offices and contact persons in Hemsö. Welcome to contact us!