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Property manager, Helsinki

Erno Salenius

In March 2022, we warmly welcomed Erno Salenius to Hemsö. Erno works as a property manager at Hemsö in Finland.

Erno’s first major task was to reorganise the technical management of Hemsö’s properties around Finland. Various options were compared and an agreement was signed with Newsec on 1 August to manage most of the properties.

– My role as property manager involves a range of tasks, everything from process development and service and framework agreements to planning renovations and improving customer satisfaction. The latter is particularly important now with a new technical management model. That’s why I’m planning to carry out quality measurements on it.

Erno didn’t know much about Hemsö before joining us, but was attracted to working with community properties such as schools, healthcare facilities and fire stations.

– My expectations have been met with Hemsö as an employer. I enjoy my job, my colleagues are great and Hemsö really cares about its employees.