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Interim report January – September 2018

- Regulatory information

Summary January-September 2018

  • Rental income increased to SEK 1 935 million (1 749).
  • Profit from property management increased to SEK 1 097 million (985).
  • Changes in value of properties amounted to SEK 894 million (944) and changes in value of financial instruments to SEK 93 million (101).
  • Profit after tax for the period increased to SEK 1 889 million (1 705).
  • Market value of investment properties amounted to SEK 42 573 million (36 671).
  • During the period, 17 properties (22) were acquired for SEK 1 423 million (2 022) and

10 properties (36) were divested for SEK 866 million (1 593).

          During the period, both rental income and profit from property management rose 11 per cent, amounting to SEK 1,935 million and SEK 1,097 million, respectively. I am satisfied with our stable development thus far this year and that Hemsö has created a solid project portfolio that will drive continued growth and increase the quality of the portfolio, says Nils Styf.