Press release from Hemsö’s 2024 Annual General Meeting
- Regulatory informationThe Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Hemsö Fastighets AB was held on 24 April 2024 in Stockholm. The following is a summary of the decisions made at the meeting. All decisions made at the meeting were unanimous.
Approval of the financial statements and disposition of profits
The AGM approved the income statement and balance sheet, and the consolidated income statement and balance sheet, for the 2023 financial year. In addition, the AGM approved the Board’s dividend proposal for the 2023 financial year in accordance with the proposal in the Annual Report.
Discharge from liability
Board members and the Chief Executive Officer were granted discharge from liability for the 2023 financial year.
Election of Board members and auditor
The AGM decided that the Board should have six ordinary Board members including the Chair, and no deputies.
Maria Björklund, Staffan Hansén, Kerstin Hessius, David Mindus, Johanna Skogestig and Johan Thorell were re-elected to the Board. Kerstin Hessius was elected Chair of the Board. KPMG was elected auditor for a period of one year, with Peter Dahllöf as Auditor-In-Charge.
Board and Committee fees, and auditor fees
The AGM made the following decisions about fees. Fees paid to the Chair of the Board shall amount to SEK 600,000 per year, and SEK 285,000 per year for each of the other Board members. Fees paid to the Chair of the Audit Committee shall amount to SEK 145,000 per year, and SEK 75,000 per year for each of the other members of the Audit Committee. Fees paid to the Chair of the Sustainability Committee shall amount to SEK 100,000 per year, and SEK 50,000 per year for each of the other members of the Sustainability Committee. Fees for Board or committee work shall not be paid to Board members who are employed by the company or its owners.
Fees shall be paid to the auditor on an ongoing basis in accordance with invoices approved by the company.
This information is information that Hemsö Fastighets AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, on 24 April 2024 at 14:00 CET.