Rikard Nyhrén new Head of Asset Management
- Non-regulatory informationRikard Nyhrén has been appointed new Head of Asset Management, responsible for both Asset Management and Technology & Service.
Asset Management and Technology & Service have previously been two separate entities and will now be merged. Rikard, who previously held the role as Head of Technology & Service will also take on the responsibility for Asset Management.
– I am happy that Rikard as new Head of Asset Management has taken responsibility for both Asset Management and Technology & Service. By this organisational change, we have created a clearer responsibility for the overall economics of our property portfolio, says Hemsö´s CEO Nils Styf.
The management team of Hemsö is reduced from 10 to 8 people due to this change and that the Head of Communication no longer is a part of the management team. The changes take effect immediately.