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Year-End Report 2016

- Regulatory information

Summary January – December 2016

  • Rental income amounted to SEK 2,189 million (SEK 1,988 million corresponding period previous year).
  • Profit from property management amounted to SEK 1,111 million (959).
  • Changes in value of properties amounted to SEK 2,072 million (581) and changes in value of derivatives amounted to SEK -208 million (140).
  • Profit after tax amounted to SEK 2,343 million (1,350).
  • Market value of investment properties amounted to SEK 33,629 million (26,502).
  • During the period, 49 properties (20) were acquired for SEK 3,362 million (1,154) and 11 properties (16) were divested for SEK 61 million (853).

      We delivered our strongest earnings to date and continued to streamline and improve the quality of our property portfolio says Hemsö´s CEO Nils Styf.