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Simo Karjalainen

My name is Simo Karjalainen and I am the Head of Project Development for Hemsö's operations in Finland. My role is broad and includes contract negotiations, planning and implementation in both new construction and refurbishment of existing properties.

– I am responsible for ensuring that the project has the right quality at the right cost and is completed on schedule. I am also involved in monitoring and responding to new procurements, land allocations, acquisitions and tenders together with my colleagues in Finland and Sweden. We are growing in Finland and so is the team, so I’m also involved in developing our organisation – what it should be, what functions we should have in the future and recruiting new colleagues.

– There is a great need for investment in public properties in Finland and I am happy to be part of solving this challenge. It is quite new for the municipalities to work with a private property company in schools and it is therefore particularly pleasing that they give us positive feedback on our cooperation and our long-term perspective as we develop, own and manage the properties.

– The focus is on environmental certifications, reducing CO2 emissions and social sustainability in our outdoor environments at the schools in Hemsö’s Skolgårdslyftet concept. Being able to create healthy and sustainable environments for our tenants and thus relieve the public sector feels meaningful.