Ektorp school
Hemsö is developing a new municipal preschool and primary school in Ektorp in Nacka for 900 students as well as a full-sized sports centre. The new premises will replace the current Ektorp school, which is already owned by Hemsö. A new 25-year lease has been signed with Nacka Municipality for both school premises and a sports hall totalling approximately 10,000 square metres.
Ektorp school currently has municipal operations for grades F-6, including a preschool for about 360 children. The property is in poor condition and it is not sustainable in the long term to maintain it in its current form. Hemsö is therefore constructing a new school building for grades F-9, including a preschool for a total of 900 students, a sports hall and a multi-sports court in the schoolyard.
The new school building with a full-scale sports hall will be an addition to Nacka, and the premises can be used by association and cultural activities outside school hours.
Construction started in summer 2023 and the school will be ready for occupancy by summer 2025.
The buildings will be certified according to Miljöbyggnad Silver with the ambition to obtain Miljöbyggnad Gold for energy use.