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Nursing home in Östersund

Inspired by the mountains and the culture of Jämtland

The Bangårdsgatan nursing home is located in the centre of Östersund and its architecture is clearly linked to the Jämtland culture and the beautiful nature of the area.

The facade consists of wooden panels that playfully create a graphic pattern of the waves of Lake Storsjön and the backdrop of mountain peaks.

The nursing home has 80 apartments. The apartments are 32 square metres in size. Each department has a common area where it is possible to eat, socialise and participate in various activities.

Bangårdsgatan nursing home in Östersund.
Bangårdsgatan nursing home in Östersund.

Each department has a balcony or patio adjacent to it. On the ground floor there is a square where you can participate in group activities and events. There is also a large roof terrace where everyone has access to beautiful views and walking possibilities.

Hemsö acquired the project during construction in the summer of 2022. The project was completed in 2023 and the building is certified according to Miljöbyggnad Silver.

Balconies with views of the mountains and the lake Storsjön.
Balconies with views of the mountains and the lake Storsjön.

Facts about the project



Type of property:

Nursing home




Forenade Care

Scope of project:

80 apartments

Project duration:


Environmental certification:

Miljöbyggnad Silver